Coursera: Development of Real-Time Systems

Posted on 2016/07/05


A course on the theories and implementations of real-time systems is about to start on Coursera platform. The course comes from the Finnish University Åbo Akademi, and lasts 5 weeks of low workload (2-3h per week).

The instructor entices the learner by showing a famous real-time system failure, during the landing of the Apollo 11 on the surface of the Moon. The course then sets the objective to teach to design a real-time system so that every deadline is always respected.

In a further note, it claims that of all computing systems in the world, about 98% are embedded systems, and most of them are real-time systems. This information alone gives a pretty clear idea of the relevance of the topic in the modern industry.

The course makes use of FreeRTOS as a platform to implement the theories that are presented in the various lessons.

Coursera: Development of Real-Time Systems

Posted in: Embedded