About Me

MugshotI am a software engineer, and I work on Digital Signal Processing, micro-controllers, Systems-on-Chip, and ASIC products.

I work at ST Microelectronics, but all opinions expressed in this blog are my own and may not reflect ST policies or priorities.

I received my degree in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in 2005. My thesis was about software security and the methods to measure the strength of copy protection systems.

In my spare time I tinker with open source technology, in particular using my Linux computers. I hope to be involved little by little into open source communities, in order to do my part in the worldwide progress of technology.

To contact me, please use this email alias:

My other online identities:

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4 Responses “About Me” →
  1. I saw your comment at http://shanefagan.com/2009/07/21/my-love-of-gedit/. This plugin will let you double-click words with underscores in Gedit:


  2. HI
    This is a great series of articles that you have written.
    “Compiling Linux kernel for QEMU ARM emulator”, worked straight away.

    But Im having trouble with “Busybox for ARM on QEMU”.
    The code builds OK but won’t boot the shell.

    The message I get is
    “Root-NFS: No NFS server available giving up”
    “VFS cannot open root device”
    “Please append a correct root= boot option”

    Is there a “root=” option missing from the command line in your script?
    Or can you suggest why it cannot find the root filesystem?

    Thanks Chris

  3. Hi Chris. It seems that the kernel tries to mount the root through NFS. It could have something to do with the kernel configuration, in particular the CONFIG_CMDLINE option: mine contains “root=/dev/ram”, and only now I notice that I don’t mention it in my posts.
    Try to use this option instead:
    qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel zImage -initrd rootfs.img.gz -append "root=/dev/ram rdinit=/bin/sh"

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